Niels Stokkel's profile

Foundation for art and public domain, Art platform

Web Design
Foundation for art and public domain - User Experience Design 

As its name reveals, their focus is to develop and realise art in the public space. Interaction with the public is an essential feature of their view on art in public spaces.

Using the letters of SKOR a literal space was created on the page. Just as the public space is in constant change, so does the SKOR logo. In order to guide the users properly on the website SKOR helps them by focussing while moving the mouse pointer. 

The pointer measurements indicate the behavior of the user, we used this to give the user more context with a pointer bar in the header of the site. The logo not as a fixed stamp, but as a dynamic system that defines space itself to navigate. 

Foundation for art and public domain, Art platform


Foundation for art and public domain, Art platform

Foundation Art and Public Spac "SKOR Stichting Kunst en Openbare Ruimte" Graphic design Website.
